Why Support DDC Clinic
You Can Change a Child’s Life
Giving special needs children the chance to live healthier lives is at the heart of what we do. But we can’t do it alone.
Our clinic depends on donations from people like you. When you support our clinic, you make it possible for children affected by rare genetic disorders to get the life-changing and life-saving medical care they need.
Our clinic has served more than 1,800 patient families. But that number doesn’t really tell our story.
Real people are the story. What matters are the children we’ve helped. Children like Connor, who was confined to a wheelchair, but through life-changing treatment, regained the ability to walk and then run.
Children like Michael, who, thanks to a timely diagnosis, received the heart transplant that saved his life. And babies like John, Ada and Joseph who, because of early intervention, received the critical baby formula that treated their potentially fatal genetic conditions.
These are just some of the special children we’ve helped, thanks to people like you. With your support, we can help many more. Please donate and help give a child a brighter future.
Where Your Donation Goes
You can trust that your dollars go where they’re needed most. Eighty-seven percent of every dollar we spend goes to program-related services for children and their families.
When you donate to DDC Clinic, your tax-deductible gift goes into our Children’s Future Fund, which provides essential funding for clinical care, patient-centered research and education to improve the lives of special needs children.
Your generous support makes it possible for us to:
- Keep our promise that no child is turned away, whether or not their family can pay
- Offer compassionate, highly specialized healthcare to medically fragile children
- Provide families with affordable, in-house genetic testing to find answers
- Help struggling families access low-cost medical supplies and nutrition needs
- Provide essential newborn screenings to detect serious conditions sooner
- Empower families with knowledge gained through educational programs and services
DDC Clinic – Center for Special Needs Children is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. Your donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by the IRS.
Financial Report for 2024
As a non-profit organization, we very much need your support. Only a portion of our budget comes from clinical services and research contracts. The dollars we raise through fundraisers, contributions and individual giving fill the gap and enable us to continue to serve our patient families.
Our Impact
Through patient care, research and education, we have contributed to greater global understanding of rare genetic disorders and enriched the lives of special children in our community and around the world.
In the years since our clinic opened its doors, support from people like you has enabled us to:
- Serve more than 1,800 patient families in 35 states, Canada, Australia, Europe and Asia
- Provide medical services to children with more than 160 different rare diseases
- Build an onsite state-of-the-art genetics laboratory offering testing for 800+ rare disorders
- Improve our patient diagnostic rate from 20% to 80%
- Create a patient assistance program, saving our community $2 million a year
- Bring in a second physician and expand our patient care to include adolescents and adults
- Develop a groundbreaking diagnostic tool which tests for more than 120 rare conditions in the Amish
- Discover gene mutations related to common medical conditions affecting the general population
- Identify and name three rare genetic disorders: GM3 synthase deficiency, TMCO1 defect syndrome and SAMS Association
- Collaborate with major pharmaceutical companies to make new discoveries and develop new therapies
We have accomplished much, but there’s more work to be done. With your help, we can continue to make new discoveries and give special children the chance to grow up to live happy, healthy and productive lives.
View Our 20th Anniversary Book
Together, We Can Change Children’s Lives
Your gift can make a real and lasting impact.
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